Use the network SHH to get access to databases and articles in fulltext.
Nursing and allied health literature, indexing more than 5,000 Journals and with full text for more than 1,300 journals.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of several databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
Available only from the Sophiahemmet University computer network or via VPN.
How to use Cochrane library
Sophiahemmet University contains publications produced by the university´s researchers and students
A finding tool and an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at 42 universitities and institutions in Sweden
Online public catalogue
Web of Science
Contains Arts & Humanities Citation Index – AHCI, Social Sciences Citation Index – SSCI and Science Citation Index – SCI. Available only from the Sophiahemmet University computer network or via VPN.