About the library
Opening hours
Opening hours during term
Monday: 08.30 – 18.00.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8.30 – 16.00
Saturday, Sunday: Closed
Visiting address:
Postal address:
Sophiahemmet Högskola
Box 5605
114 86 Stockholm
The library at Sophiahemmet University is situated in buildning R at the Sophiahemmet Hospital.
The library is open to the public but only students and staff at Sophiahemmet University and staff at Sophiahemmet Hospital are allowed to borrow books. Others can ask their libraries to place an order for an interlibrary loan.
The library offers access to both printed and electronic literature as well as access to bibliographic databases and other services, which can be used both on campus and at distance.
The library at Sophiahemmet University offers access to several databases. Some of them require that you are loged in to the network, and some of them are free.
Interlibrary loans/To order articles
Articles and books required for studies and research at Sophiahemmet University and which are not owned by the library can be obtained from other libraries. See Interlibrary loans page for more information.
The printed journals located outside the library are reference only. The latest edition is on display and back copies are held in stock. Ask the library staff for help. You can copy articles with your key card. Electronic articles can be obtained through databases.
You check out your loans at the self-issue computer in the library hall.
Loan period
Course books or books in high demand 7 days, other literature 28 days.
Late loans
If your course books are returned late you have to pay an overdue fine of SEK 20/day.
Lost or damaged items
If a book is lost or damaged you have to replace it by buying a new copy for the library or by paying for a new one. You pay the actual cost + an administration fee.
Referencing APA-style
APA (American Psychological Association) is the reference style used in assignments and papers at Sophiahemmet University. APA is a reference style commonly used in psychology and health sciences.
Your loans are automaticly renewed – unless there is a wating list for the book.
Reservations, holds
You reserve a book in the library catalogue.
You return your loans at the self-issue computer in the library. When the library is closed you can return borrowed books in the return box outside the library.
Quiet study area
The library has a quiet study area.
Wireless network is available in the library.