Management and organisation
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- Management and organisation
The principal for Sophiahemmet University is Sophiahemmet, Ideell förening, which is governed by the board and CEO.
The University president is accountable for the University’s activities to the CEO, and sits on the University’s management group, which has the Board’s University Committee as advisory body.
It is the responsibility of the University management group to draw up its quality policy and to ensure that its activities comply with the European quality-assurance principles of higher education (ESG). Management functions at group level include financial and capital, property, communication, premises use and human resources.
The University is organised into a health science faculty, which is divided into two departments with operational responsibility for first, second and third-cycle education and research. Overarching responsibility for its academic activities is divided between a Committee for Education and a Committee for Research. The support body of the University’s operations comprises the University administration and the University library. The university also has a research laboratory, which operates in collaboration with the hospital.

University activities
The University is to pursue its activities in accordance with the Sophiahemmet, Ideell förening charter and with its own values, policies and goals. Sophiahemmet University is the only health science operative in Sweden that has a common principal for both its academic and clinical activities.