Christine Gustafsson
Professor in Health Care Sciences
Department of Nursing
Telephone number
+46 8 406 2306
Mobile number
+46 704 346 281
I am a registered nurse, registered nurse teacher, and, since 2022, a professor in Health Care Science at Sophiahemmet University. I have more than 25 years of experience working in academia, with a research interest, especially in the interdisciplinary field of health and welfare technology (HWT) from a user perspective. This involves researching the values and benefits that various users can derive from using HWT.
There are high expectations regarding how HWT should lead to various improvements, but there is sparse research demonstrating whether this is indeed the case. For example, there are high expectations that HWT should support older adults, enabling them to live with prolonged independence and healthy aging in their own homes with enhanced safety and security. My main research interest lies in contributing to the understanding of these expectations.
During my academic career, I have led approximately 10 different research projects, such as ORIENT, HV3D, and NURED, primarily in the area of HWT. Additionally, I have been a leader in projects related to the care of people with intellectual disabilities, where I have played a significant role in developing a theory-based working method: the Pedagogical attitude, approach, and work (PFA).
Ongoing Research Projects in 2025:
Professor in Health Care Sciences
Department of Nursing
Telephone number
+46 8 406 2306
Mobile number
+46 704 346 281
Initiator and active member of the management of the Nordic Health and Welfare Technology Research Network, through the Nordic Council of Ministers: | NVC (
Co-creator of the robotic cat JustoCat in close collaboration with Professor Lars Asplund.
Member of the research financier Forte’s board, gorverment commission during two terms of office, completed in December 2025.
Member of the Minister of the Elderly’s Council for elderly research (2020- ongong)
Member of Sophiahemmet University’s Research Committee and Dissertation Committee.
Editor and author of the book ‘Hälso- och välfärdsteknik – vård i en föränderlig värld’ (Studentlitteratur AB).
Author of the book ‘ Pedagogiskt förhållnings- och arbetssätt (PFA) i omsorg för personer med kognitiva svårigheter, 4th edition 2024 (Gothia kompetens AB).
Author of the book ‘Du kan göra skillnad – betydelsefulla möten i vården’ (BM förlag).
Leaders’ experiences of successfully implementing health and welfare technology in sparsely populated Nordic areas (2024).
Implementation of welfare technology: a state of-the-art review of knowledge gaps and research needs (2022)
Implementation of welfare technology: a systematic review of barriers and facilitators (2021):
Using a Robotic Cat in Dementia Care: A Pilot Study (2015):
Reflection, the way to professional development? (2004)