
Stefan Bohlin

I am a PhD-student at Sophiahemmet University and a member of the multidisciplinary research group MUSIC led by Professor Eva Skillgate.

The overall purpose of my PhD project is to deepen the knowledge of sports-related concussion (SRC) in adolescent sports, with a special focus on incidence, risk factors, prognosis, and safe return to sport.

An SRC may affect an athlete’s ability to participate in school or work, as well as the obvious risk of not being able to fully participate in training and competition. These injuries may also result in not only short and long-term symptoms and illnesses but also potential later-in-life brain health issues. Hence, SRC can be costly for society in terms of treatment, rehabilitation, and increased risk of future illnesses.

I have a background as a naprapath and first became interested in the challenges of diagnosing and treating concussions in the early 2000s engaged in both adolescent and senior ice hockey in Sweden.

In addition to an interest in researching and treating sports-related injuries, another interest of mine is pedagogy, and I have in my professional life been fortunate to combine clinical work with teaching and developing education.

Current projects

Swedish Handball Cohort – Concussion in youth sport – risk factors, prognosis and return to play

Stefan Bohlin

PhD-student, Leg. naprapat.

Department of health promotion




About Stefan Bohlin

Director of studies at The Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine (Naprapathögskolan).